Milk is a staple in many children’s diets (and in some adults’). I myself indulged in the consumption as a young child. Little did I know the possible negative effects it could have had on myself and on the planet.
First, we need to examine who milk is really for. Cow calves. These young creatures grow extremely quickly and can weigh over 1,000 pounds by the age of two. They have four stomachs and are made to ingest their mothers’ milk. Naturally, humans are not made to drink any sort of milk once finished infant hood. The high amount of nutrients found in milk are what make it a “superfood” but they are suited for calves, not humans.
However, northern-European people have been shown to have been more tolerant to milk because of a genetic mutation. Central-European people have 23% of a lactose-intolerant populations. In Asian populations, however, the intolerance for milk products is 95%. One region has a genetic mutation for lactose tolerance, but this does not apply to every region.
It is understood that many people don’t necessarily believe in animal rights and it is somewhat understandable. They don’t have the same level of conscience as us. However, that almost makes their situation more sad. They have no idea what kind of life they could have had. And they will never know real freedom.
These helpless animals have been injected with hormones and/or impregnated just to produce milk. In my opinion, that is completely inhumane. In addition, most are kept in cramped conditions. This isn’t the way any creature should be treated.
If the previous reasons weren’t enough, the milk industry is also detrimental to the environment. Cow manure poisons, the water sources such as streams, rivers, and groundwater. Factory-farmed animals produce 1 billion tons of manure each year. More than 335 million tons of “dry matter” has been known to be removed from U.S. farms annually. The waste is held outside, open air, for months on end. It is unsanitary and unsafe. Obviously, there are problems people have been trying to ignore.
Anyone who lives near these farms are more likely to suffer from serious health problems from the fumes and other air contaminants. Infections such as Salmonella, avian influenza, and Campylobacter have all been associated with living near dairy farms. Workers on the farms have an even greater risk of sickness and infection. These are repulsive and unsafe work environments.
More than just diseases, it can also cause respiratory problems. Manure fumes are very flammable due to the methane and are extremely dangerous in closed conditions. There need to be more strict health codes at least because this is getting ridiculous.
All in all, I think it is safe to say that the dairy industry could use some work. I also think it is safe to say that dairy produced by cows is not meant for human consumption. The treatment of cows is cruel and shameful. There needs to be change for us as humans and for the well-being of animals. This may take a while to change people’s lifestyles, but I feel it is very important.
